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Honoring the Name of the Lord


“You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain” (Exodus 20:7).

What comes to mind for most people upon reading these words from the Third Commandment, is the using of God’s name or Jesus’ name as a curse word. And though we need to honor the name of God in our speech, the commandment goes much deeper than this.

The true essence of taking the name of the Lord in vain, is making a claim to be His follower yet living a lifestyle that is at odds with the standards that God has set for His followers in His Word.

Many years before his death in 2018, Time Magazine published an article on the Rev. Billy Graham. I have never forgotten one of the statements of  Dr. Graham’s in that article. He said that he lived his life in fear, fear of saying or doing something that would bring reproach to the name of his Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.

That, my friends is healthy fear. That my friends, reveals the essence of taking the name of the Lord in vain. Making a claim to faith in Christ on one hand, but living a life that is inconsistent with the life of Christ on the other hand.

As a pastor of nearly fifty years, I have heard again and again from individuals, outside of the church, as they make their judgments of people who make a claim to faith. It usually goes like this, “Pastor, you know Joe Smith don’t you?” Doesn’t he go to your church?” I that point I have learned to pause and ready myself for the next shoe to fall. Then they go on to tell me either how Joe swindled them in a business deal, or, what an incredible joy it was to do business with such a kind and honest man.

On one hand, Joe was a reflection of the Lord Jesus in action and attitude and words. On the other hand, Joe was being held to a higher standard because of his claim to faith, but then defamed the name of Jesus by unscrupulous business practices. In that instance, Joe was using the name of the Lord in vain.

As a pastor I have had to confront such things in the lives of some members of my church. And from such confrontations have received two responses, either brokenness and repentance for their words and actions which brough reproach to Christ and His church, or anger which led to Joe and his family leaving the church.

Jesus said, “Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16). Simply stated, let your manner of life be such that those around you will have no doubt about your source of inspiration. Like it or not, people are watching our lives and by our actions and words, judging the Savior that we claim to love and serve.  


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