Outside of his love for God and his family, Wayne Hoag's greatest love is for the Body of Christ. For forty-one years he has been a shepherd of God's flock. From June, 1991 until June, 2017 he served as the Senior Pastor of Sierra Bible Church in the mountain town of Truckee, California. During this time his attention was drawn to the New Testament admonitions that call God's children to either be or do something for their fellow believers in the local church. In fact, the call appears a total of twenty-nine times. Upon further study, Wayne became convinced that the twenty-nine one another admonitions were God's unique strategy to shape and mold His children into the image of His Son. As he continues to serve Sierra Bible Church as one of its teaching pastors, it is also Wayne’s desire to further develop and expand his writing and speaking ministry in regards to the One Another Project.
Great tool for small groups, Sunday School classes or studying with friends!
Learning to practice what God intended for love and unity in the body of Christ
10 Chapters for a 10 Week Study​
Questions to Ponder at the end of each chapter for deep study and discussion


In the book of John 1, brotherly love is spoken of without reservation. Point blank: if you question your salvation and you are not in service to or in love with the body of Christ, you are not His. This book helps the Christian get with the program. Great work!

the book lifts up Jesus Christ and what He has to say about a particular subject and never becomes sidetracked by denominational distinctives. The end result is a very helpful and scholarly defended checklist of 29 biblical admonitions that is universally applicable to all believers.

A wonderful book that stresses how important the church, body of Christ, is to our walk and growth in Christ.
Wayne is a very wise man who has a giant heart for God and all his chiildren.

about THE BOOK
He began to see that following the work of salvation in one's life, God then placed the new believer in a local fellowship where they would be further shaped and refined by and through their life with other believers. That is when the One Another Project was born. The Project was originally a ten week series of sermons that were then further explored in weekly home study groups. The questions that were asked and explored in the small groups are listed at the end of each chapter. Pastor Wayne has not only taught these truths to his Truckee congregation but also to others who want to more fully understand God's strategy of the One Another call.
The key verse for this study is Romans 12:5, "...so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another." As you read may you grow in your understanding of just how much you need your brothers and sisters in Christ.
Also available at barnesandnoble.com and christianbook.com
CONTAct me

The One Another Project is a Public Charity recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Corporation
I am available for speaking engagements, conferences, and seminars that center around the One Another Project. As one who has been pastoring for 43 years, I am also available as a consultant on a variety of church matters, including Pastoral Transitions. You can reach me here: or at www.wayne@sbctruckee.com">www.wayne@sbctruckee.com or drop me a line: